Press & News

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield - Single Malt Whisky

Pressemitteilung: St. Kilian Distillers und Judas Priest setzen erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit dem neuen Rekordalbum „Invincible Shield“ fort

Die Whisky-Destillerie aus RĂŒdenau zollt dem jĂŒngsten Albumerfolg der britischen Heavy Metal Band mit gleichnamiger Single Malt Whisky AbfĂŒllung Tribut

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Kiliani Edition 2024 - IMMINA

Pressemitteilung: Kiliani-Edition 2024 – IMMINA: Eine churfrĂ€nkische Fusion


Zu Ehren des Namenstages des Frankenpatrons widmet die churfrÀnkische Destillerie den vierten Teil der St. Kilian-Franken-Saga der seligen Immina

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2nd St. Kilian Whisky Festival

Pressemitteilung: Begeisterte Whisky-Fans und Genießer pilgern in Scharen zum 2. St. Kilian Whisky Festival


BUD SPENCER – DISTILLED DRY GIN als gefeierter Star neben den Whisky-Highlights

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Press release 1st St. Kilian Whisky Festival

Pressemitteilung: 2. St. Kilian Whisky Festival: Das Event Highlight fĂŒr Whisky-Fans und Genießer am 29. Juni 2024 in RĂŒdenau bei Miltenberg


St. Kilian feiert den Tag des Deutschen Whiskys mit Einblicken in die Destillerie und die St. Kilian Bunker City

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Pressemitteilung: Bud Spencer – Distilled Dry Gin – Eine aromatische Genussreise durch das sonnenverwöhnte Italien


St. Kilian Distillers erweitert erfolgreiche Bud Spencer Serie mit einer einzigartigen Gin-Kreation

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Master Distiller Mario Rudolf, die irische Whiskylegende David F. Hynes sowie GrĂŒnder und EigentĂŒmer Andreas ThĂŒmmler

GENESIS Online Whisky Tasting mit bislang Ă€ltester St. Kilian AbfĂŒllung


Gemeinsam stellen Mario Rudolf, David F. Hynes und Andreas ThĂŒmmler fĂŒnf Whisky-Neuheiten vor

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David F. Hynes, Mario Rudolf und Andreas ThĂŒmmler

Pressemitteilung: Eine Reise zu den UrsprĂŒngen von St. Kilian Distillers


Erster 8-jĂ€hriger Single Malt Whisky und weitere Fasskracher beim St. Kilian GENESIS Online Whisky Tasting mit der irischen Whiskylegende David F. Hynes, GrĂŒnder und EigentĂŒmer Andreas ThĂŒmmler sowie Master Distiller Mario Rudolf

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Mario Rudolf with the awards of the World Spirits Award 2024

Press release: A shower of medals for St. Kilian Distillers at the World Sprits Award 2024


ChurfrÀnk distillery honored as World-Class Distillery and Master-Class Distillery 2024

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Special bottling German Audio Film Award 2024

Press release: St. Kilian single malt whisky with Braille label at the German Hearing Film Award ceremony in Berlin


St. Kilian Distillers once again promotes the participation of the visually impaired with a special edition

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Special bottling Ambassadors Choice Christoph B. Albietz

Press release: Exclusive St. Kilian special edition with brand ambassador Christoph B. Albietz


St. Kilian presents smoky single malt whisky "Brand Ambassador's Choice" from Amarone single cask at Whisky Time Frankfurt 2024

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St. Kilian Online Tasting Team on 09.03.2024

Grandiose St. Kilian online whisky tasting to kick off the year with a new set-up


Together, Mario Rudolf, Andreas Kreser, Dr. Heinz Weinberger and Olli Fink will be presenting a total of four new products.

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Online whisky tasting on March 9, 2024

Press release: First unpeated whisky solera bottling and premiere of the new St. Kilian Small Batch series


St. Kilian Distillers presents four new products at the first online whisky tasting of 2024

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World Whiskies Awards 2024

Press release: St. Kilian Distillers with impressive success at the World Whiskies Awards 2024


Category Winner and Gold in London - St. Kilian whiskies receive a total of eleven awards

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Master Distiller Mario Rudolf, Director of Communication Andreas Kreser, St. Kilian Brand Ambassador Christoph Albietz and founder and Managing Director of the Brandenburg STORK CLUB whiskey distillery, Steffen Lohr, at the online whiskey tasting

Whisky indulgence at the end of the year - Impressive St. Kilian online whisky tasting


Together, Mario Rudolf, Andreas Kreser and Christoph Albietz and special guest Steffen Lohr from the STORK CLUB whiskey distillery will be presenting five new products.

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Press release: Lucky No. 7 and exciting crossover project with popular Brandenburg distillery at the end of the year.


St. Kilian Distillers present their oldest single malt whisky to date at the last online tasting of the year and ignite a real whisky firework display with selected cask crackers.

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