Special bottlings

Special bottlings from St. Kilian

Strictly limited

From ex Eisbock barrels to cherry wood and Japanese Mizunara oak: Experimentation has been an integral part of the St. Kilian DNA since its inception. With a newsletter subscription, St. Kilian fans are always the first to enjoy our strictly limited special bottlings.

Strictly limited and full of experimentation

In addition to our Signature Edition, we create very special whiskey experiences for you at irregular intervals - always in artisan perfection and often from casks that are unique, especially on the German market.

These handfilled whiskies, whether mild or smoky, are sold exclusively in our distillery store in Rüdenau. So that all whiskey friends and connoisseurs get their money's worth, we always have two different handfilleds in stock - a mild and a smoky bottling. Cask strength, unfiltered and natural color: 100% St. Kilian.

Find out everything about our current special bottlings here under the heading "Press & News".

Fancy barrels at the Distillery-Only's

Meanwhile, more than 370 different types of casks, totally crazy "pre-occupations" and unusual types of wood from all over the world - these are the best conditions for more exciting St. Kilian single malts and for our limited special bottlings. First the ideas mature in the head of our Master Distiller and Blender Mario Rudolf, then we experiment and taste and in the end our unique whiskies are created. The special challenge is, among other things, the respective combination in the barrel - here the questions arise: Does THIS special barrel fit exactly THE spirit? How, for example, does a slightly salty Manzanilla sherry in the cask beforehand have an effect in combination with our smoky New Make? We, too, are learning every day and are always trying out new and exciting barrels with passionate interest. Pure joy of experimentation!

Current and only in the distillery as "Handfilled":

 ex Ciderex Sherry Oloroso
Barrel number#2679#5464
Alcohol content58,8 % vol60,8 % vol
Recipemild formula smoky recipe
Number of bottles (0,5 l)ca. 210 Flaschenca. 322 Flaschen
Kiliani Edition 2024 - IMMINA


available here

Diese Kiliani Edition – anlässlich des Gedenktages des heiligen Kilian am 8. Juli – ehrt die selige Immina, Enkelin von Herzog Gosbert und Gailana sowie Äbtissin in Würzburg und Karlburg. Immina lebte als Nonne im von ihrem Vater, dem thüringischen Herzog Hetan II. gestifteten Kloster auf dem Würzburger Marienberg. Später übertrug sie das Kloster an Bischof Burkard und zog sich in das Marienkloster in Karlburg zurück, wo sie im Jahr 750 verstarb. Ihre Gebeine ruhen heute im Dom zu Würzburg. Diese milde (unpeated) Sonderedition reifte über fünf Jahre in ex Bourbon Fässern, die zuvor mit der „Brauerreserve 1237“ der Familienbrauerei Faust aus Miltenberg befüllt waren – ein opalisierendes, fruchtig-komplexes Craftbier mit Barrique-Aroma. Diese besondere churfränkische Vorbelegung verleiht der 4. Kiliani Edition ein reichhaltiges Bouquet aus Honig, malzigen Biernoten und sahnigem Toffee.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 5 Jahre gereift in zwei ex Bourbon Fässern (190 Liter), die zuvor mit “Brauerreserve 1237” belegt waren (#3862, #3863)
  • Destilliert am 22.05.2019, abgefüllt im Juni 2024
  • 975 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine fruchtig-süße und cremige Komposition aus Honig, saftigen Aprikosen und reifen Birnen, begleitet von sanft wärmender Eichenwürze und sahnigem Toffee, die durch eine malzige Biernote harmonisch abgerundet wird.


available here

Der 29. Juni 2024, an dem wir unser 2. St. Kilian Whisky Festival mit unzähligen Gästen genießen konnten, war zugleich der Tag des Deutschen Whiskys, der jedes Jahr am letzten Samstag im Juni gefeiert wird. Aus diesem Anlass stellten wir eine sanft rauchige („lightly smoky“) Sonderabfüllung vor. Dieser dreijährige Single Malt Whisky ist eine fruchtig-süße, fein-würzige Komposition aus Bourbon-, Rye-, Brandy-, Spätburgunder- und Amarone Fässern mit zarten Raucharomen.

  • Hergestellt aus 100% reinstem Gerstenmalz: anteilig Buchenrauchmalz, Heimat Malt aus Reichartshausen und Pilsner Malz (beide nicht rauchig)
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 3 Jahre gereift in ex Bourbon und ex Rye Barrels (je 190 Liter) sowie ex Spätburgunder (225 Liter) und ex Amarone Fässer (100 und 300 Liter)
  • Destilliert zwischen 2017 und 2020
  • Abgefüllt am 24.06.2024
  • 500 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Abgefüllt mit 51,2 % vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Reife Pfirsiche, saftige Trauben, Äpfel und rote Johannisbeeren vereinen sich zu einer verlockenden Fruchtmelange, abgerundet von malzigen Tönen, feinwürzigen Roggennoten und cremiger Vanille, die durch dezente Tannine und einen Hauch von Rauch harmonisch balanciert wird.
Sonderabfüllung zum Tag des Deutschen Whiskys 2024
Festival Edition 2024 - Distillers Choice unpeated


available here

Das 2. St. Kilian Whisky Festival, das am 29. Juni 2024 in Rüdenau bei Miltenberg stattfand, war ein großartiger Erfolg. Whisky-Liebhaber und Genießer aus nah und fern strömten in großer Anzahl zu unserer vielfach prämierten Destillerie, um die faszinierende Welt des deutschen Whiskys zu erleben. Die vierjährige, milde und fruchtbetonte Festival-Abfüllung „Distillers Choice Unpeated“ vereint Single Malt Whiskys, die in einem ehemaligen Rye Barrel, einem ex Rhum Agricole Fass sowie einem frischen, mit Char-4-Level ausgekohlten Weißeichenfass reiften und kunstvoll miteinander vermählt wurden.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 4 Jahre gereift in ex Rye und ex Rhum Agricole Fässer sowie einem Virgin Oak Cask (190 Liter)
  • Destilliert zwischen 2017 und 2019
  • Abgefüllt am 24.06.2024
  • 750 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled with 52.9 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Die zuckersüßen Fruchtaromen von saftiger Birne, Aprikose und Ananas vereinen sich mit sanft wärmenden Roggen- und Eichenwürznoten, harmonisch abgerundet durch einen Hauch feincremiger Vanille.


available here

Für die dreijährige, rauchige Sonderedition zum 2. St. Kilian Whisky Festival, „Distillers Choice Peated“, wurden Whiskys aus portugiesischen Madeira- und jamaikanischen Rum Fässern mit dem gereiften Inhalt eines frischen Akazienfasses kombiniert. Das Ergebnis ist ein Single Malt Whisky mit aromatischem Torfrauch, süßen Rumnoten, sanfter Eichenwürze und wärmenden Aschetönen.

  • Hergestellt aus 100% reinstem Gerstenmalz: anteilig schottisches Torfrauchmalz mit 80 ppm, Münchner Malz Typ II und Caramünch Typ II (beide nicht rauchig)
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 3 Jahre gereift in ex Madeira (300 Liter) und ex Rum Fässer (190 Liter) sowie einem frischen Fass aus Akazie (Virgin Acacia, 100 Liter)
  • Destilliert zwischen 2017 und 2020
  • Abgefüllt am 24.06.2024
  • 750 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Abgefüllt mit 54,4 % vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Die cremige Fruchtsüße von reifen Aprikosen, Ananas und Bananen verschmilzt harmonisch mit wärmend-würzigen Eichenholznoten und dezent pfeffrigen Nuancen, die von fein dosiertem Torfrauch umspielt werden.
Festival Edition 2024 - Distillers Choice peated
The Early Days - Ketterer Wash x St. Kilian - Single Malt Whisky


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Der bislang älteste Single Malt Whisky aus Rüdenau (Stand Juli 2024) wurde durch die Destillation einer Wash hergestellt, die von der Pforzheimer Familienbrauerei Ketterer stammte, bei der unser Master Distiller & Blender Mario Rudolf vormals als Brauer tätig war. Diese nicht rauchige Kreation lagerte zunächst in ex Bourbon Fässern und wurde zur weiteren Reifung in ex Sauternes Barrique Fässer sowie kleine ex Bourbon Fässer umgefüllt. Vielschichtige Aromen von Honig, zarter Vanille und Butterscotch sowie süßen Frucht- und feinen Gewürznoten zeugen von einem vollmundigen Ergebnis.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Insgesamt 8 Jahre gereift
  • Double Maturation – zunächst in ex Bourbon Fässern, dann in ex Sauternes Barrique und kleinen ex Bourbon Fässern von Garrison Brothers (#270, #1158, #1163, #8343)
  • Destilliert am 10.03.2016 und abgefüllt am 09.04.2024
  • 1.000 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Abgefüllt mit 58,3 % Vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Ein süßer und vollmundiger Beginn mit Noten von hellen Trauben, Pfirsich und Ananas, begleitet von cremiger Vanille und sahnigem Toffee, wird von einer dezent wärmenden Eichenwürze mit einem Hauch von Rancio getragen.


unfortunately already sold out

Für diese Einzelfass-Abfüllung wurden während der zweiten Destillation in der Spirit Still nur die letzten 250 Liter des Mittellaufs gesammelt, bevor auf den Nachlauf umgeschaltet wurde. Diese präzise Handhabung der Destillation bescherte dem Spirit eine intensivere Rauchigkeit, bevor dieser für vier Jahre seine Reifung in einem ex Jack Daniel’s Barrel antrat. Das Ergebnis ist ein ausgewogener Single Malt Whisky mit einer aromatischen Komposition aus Torf, Frucht, Vanille sowie wärmender Eichenwürze.

  • Made from Scottish peat-smoked malt with 80 ppm
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 4 Jahre gereift in einem 190 Liter ex Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey Barrel (#4325)
  • Destilliert am 09.10.2019 und abgefüllt am 09.04.2024
  • 315 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled at 58.7% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine süße Melange von reifen Aprikosen, saftigen Birnen und Vanillecreme mit einem Hauch von Toffee wird von einer Nuance Malz und wärmender Eichenwürze begleitet, während sie sanft von Torfrauch mit einer Prise Piment umhüllt wird.
Single Cask - Turf Tail Distillers Cut - Single Malt Whisky
Single Cask - Irish Style - Single Malt Whisky


unfortunately already sold out

Für die Einzelfass-Abfüllung „Irish Style“ wurde die aus 100% Pilsner Malz hergestellte Maische bei vollem Reflux-Condenser destilliert. Durch diese zusätzliche Kühlschlange im Inneren des Lyne Arms der Spirit Still gelangten nur die leichtflüchtigen Aromen in den New Make, woraus sich nach fünf Jahren Reifung in einem ex Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey Barrel eine ausgewogene Komposition aus süßer Frucht, cremiger Vanille und feinen Toffeenoten ergibt.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Zweifach destilliert in unseren original schottischen Pot-Still-Brennblasen bei vollem Reflux-Condenser
  • 5 Jahre gereift in einem 190 Liter ex Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey Barrel (#3433)
  • Destilliert am 06.02.2019 und abgefüllt am 09.04.2024
  • 320 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled at 57.4% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Die fruchtige Kombination aus Aprikosen, reifen Birnen und einem Hauch von Pampelmuse wird harmonisch ergänzt durch süße Vanille und cremigem Toffee mit einer Nuance Kokos, während gleichzeitig wärmende Eichennoten mit einer Prise weißen Pfeffers für eine würzige Komponente sorgen.


unfortunately already sold out

Für die sechsjährige Einzelfassabfüllung, gereift in einem Sherry Oloroso Hogshead, wurde mit 135 ppm stark getorftes „Ultra Heavily Peated“ Gerstenmalz aus Schottland verwendet. Dieser Single Malt Whisky besticht durch eine intensive Fruchtsüße mit malzigen Nuancen und wärmender Eichenwürze. Feine Zartbitterschokolade rundet das Geschmackserlebnis ab, während aromatischer Torfrauch mit dezenten Aschenoten das Ganze umhüllt.

  • Hergestellt aus schottischem „ultra heavily peated“ Torfrauchmalz mit 135 ppm
  • Double distilled in our genuine Scottish pot stills
  • 6 Jahre alt
  • Distilled 06.12.2017
  • Gereift in einem 250 l ex Sherry Oloroso Hogshead (#1784)
  • Abgefüllt am 09.04.2024 mit kräftigen 58,9 % Vol.
  • 365 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Intensive Aromen einer fruchtigen Süße von reifen Birnen, saftigen Pfirsichen, Datteln und Sultaninen verschmelzen mit malzigen Nuancen und sanftem Torfrauch, delikat gewürzt mit wärmenden Eichennoten und vollendet durch feine Zartbitterschokolade.
Single Cask - Ultra Heavily Peated - Single Malt Whisky
Single Cask - David's Choice - Single Malt Whisky


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Die Einzelfassabfüllung „David’s Choice“ wurde persönlich von unserem Spiritus Rector, David F. Hynes, ausgewählt. Dieser milde Tropfen reifte fünf Jahre lang in einem frischen 225 Liter Fass aus edlem Kastanienholz. Das Ergebnis dieser außergewöhnlichen Lagerung ist ein üppiger Single Malt Whisky, der nicht nur durch seine vollmundige Fruchtsüße, trockenen Tannine und warmen Holznoten besticht, sondern auch durch eine prachtvolle Mahagonifarbe überzeugt.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 5 Jahre alt
  • Frisches 225 l Kastanienholzfass (#3218)
  • Destilliert am 05.12.2018
  • Abgefüllt am 09.04.2024
  • 300 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 58.4% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine cremige, sirupartige Fruchtsüße aus Pflaumen, Datteln, saftigen Orangen und Sultaninen wird von trockenen Tanninen und wärmenden Holznoten umhüllt sowie von dunklem Honig mit einem Hauch von Zartbitterschokolade perfekt abgerundet.


available here

Im April 2024 zählte diese Abfüllung mit sieben Jahren zu unseren ältesten Single Malt Whiskys! Dieser milde, nicht rauchige Single Malt wurde sorgsam über diesen langen Zeitraum hinweg in drei ausgewählten ex Old Forester Bourbon Fässern gereift und anschließend miteinander vermählt. Er verführt mit betörenden Fruchtnoten und cremiger Vanille, begleitet von würzig-warmen Eichenholznoten und einer Prise gestoßenem Pfeffer, und bietet somit ein anhaltendes und facettenreiches Geschmackserlebnis.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Zweifach destilliert in unseren echten schottischen Pot-Still-Brennblasen am 22.03.2017
  • Sieben Jahre gereift in drei 190 l ex Bourbon Barrels von Old Forester (#808, #812, #831)
  • Abgefüllt am 18.04.2024 mit kräftigen 58,4 % Vol.
  • 1.000 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Cremig-süße Fruchtnoten von Aprikosen, Birnen und Vanille verschmelzen mit würzigen Eichenaromen und einer Prise frisch gemahlenen schwarzen Pfeffers zu einem wärmenden und vielschichtigen Geschmackserlebnis, das durch dunkles Toffee abgerundet wird.
Sonderabfüllung Tripple-Seven
Special bottling German Audio Film Award 2024


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Ein Single Malt Whisky mit einem einzigartigen Etikett in Blindenschrift. Als Förderer der festlichen Gala zum 22. Deutschen Hörfilmpreis setzten wir abermals ein klares Zeichen für Inklusion und die Unterstützung von Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen. Denn die Integration dieser Menschen in die Gesellschaft ist für uns eine ganz besondere Herzensangelegenheit. So entstand die limitierte Sonderedition „Deutscher Hörfilmpreis 2024“, die beeindruckende fünf Jahre lang in einem ehemaligen Woodford Rye Barrel reifte und mit Whisky aus einem ehemaligen Rhum Agricole Fass vermählt wurde. Zur Unterstützung der großartigen und wichtigen Arbeit spendeten wir einen Betrag von € 10,00 pro Flasche an den Deutschen Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 5 Jahre alt
  • Ex Woodford Rye Barrel (#3085) und ex Rhum Agricole Fass (#1080)
  • Destilliert 2017 und 2018, abgefüllt 2024
  • 400 Flaschen á 0,7 Liter
  • Bottled at 46% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Ein süßer, cremiger Fruchtkorb aus reifer Birne, Aprikose und saftiger Ananas, der von wärmenden, würzigen Eichenholznoten begleitet wird, die sich mit Vanillecreme vereinen und durch malzige Aromen, Brotkruste sowie dezente, trockene Roggentöne abgerundet werden.


unfortunately already sold out

Der Lieblingswhisky von unserem Markenbotschafter Christoph B. Albietz! Die exklusive Sonderedition “Brand Ambassador’s Choice” entstand nach dem Motto “Teilen macht Freude”. Denn das ex Amarone Fass – peated war mit Abstand das meistgewünschte und meistnachgefragte in den vielen Gespräche, die Christoph mit unseren Fans führte. So reifte diese Sonderabfüllung vier Jahre in einem 310 Liter ex Amarone Fass von der renommierten Cantine Lenotti aus dem italienischen Bardolino am Gardasee. Die Wahl dieses besonderen Fasses verleiht dem Single Malt Whisky eine faszinierende Komplexität und eine beeindruckende Palette dunkler Fruchtnoten, die harmonisch mit dem aromatischen Torfrauch verschmelzen. Ein überzeugendes Genusserlebnis.

  • Made from Scottish peat-smoked malt with 80 ppm
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 4 Jahre gereift in einem 310 Liter ex Amarone Fass aus Bardolino/Italien (#4634)
  • Destilliert am 12.12.2019
  • Abgefüllt am 06.03.2024
  • 610 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled at 59.7% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine elegante Fruchtsüße von dunklen Trauben, reifen Kirschen, saftigen Erdbeeren und roten Johannisbeeren, kombiniert mit cremiger Vanille, die von einer gleichzeitig wärmenden Eichenwürze mit einer Prise Nougat perfekt ausbalanciert und dabei sanft von süßlichem Torfrauch umhüllt wird.
Special bottling Ambassadors Choice Christoph B. Albietz
Single Cask - Unpeated - Four Roses Bourbon Barrel


unfortunately already sold out

Das Besondere an dieser nahezu fünf Jahre alten Einzelfassabfüllung liegt in der Mashbill, die für die Herstellung des milden New Make verwendet wurde. Dem bewährten Pilsner Malz wurden in gleichen Teilen das kräftigere Spezialmalz Münchner Malz Typ II sowie das dunklere Karamellmalz Caramünch® Typ II beigemischt. Diese ausgewogene Mischung verleiht dem Single Malt Whisky einen betonten Karamellgeschmack, der sich perfekt mit der Vanillesüße und den Toffeenoten des ex Bourbon Fasses der Four Roses Brennerei vereint.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Fast 5 Jahre gereift in einem 190 Liter ex Four Roses Bourbon Barrel (#3607)
  • Destilliert am 27.03.2019 und abgefüllt am 09.02.2024
  • 283 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Abgefüllt mit 59,4 % Vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Ein süßer Auftakt mit Aromen von Toffee, Karamell und Vanille, der durch subtile, helle Fruchtnoten, zarte Milchschokolade und malzige Nuancen ergänzt und von einem Hauch würziger Eiche abgerundet wird.


unfortunately already sold out

Die milden sowie rauchigen Abfüllungen der neuen St. Kilian Small Batch Serie zeichnen sich durch die Vermählung weniger, ausgewählter Fässer aus, die sich bei regelmäßigen Verkostungen als besonders intensiv und aromatisch erwiesen haben. Für diesen rauchigen Single Malt Whisky wurden drei 95 Liter Fässer aus frischer ungarischer Eiche der renommierten Küferei Dolium ausgewählt, die vor der Befüllung innen medium getoastet und zur Erhöhung der Oberfläche zudem gefräst wurden. Nach einer fünfjährigen Reifung zeichnet sich die Abfüllung nicht nur durch ihre dunkle Farbe aus, sondern offenbart auch komplexe, dunkle Fruchtaromen mit einer cremig-trockenen Süße.

  • Made from Scottish peat-smoked malt with 80 ppm
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Fast 6 Jahre alt
  • Gereift in drei 95 Liter Fässer aus frischer ungarischer Eiche (#874, #2016, #2018)
  • Destilliert am 18.10.2017 und 28.02.2018
  • Abgefüllt am 12.02.2024 mit 62,3 % Vol.
  • 455 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine kraftvolle und wärmende Fruchtsüße von Pflaumen, cremigen Sultaninen und Sevilla-Orangen, die durch einen Hauch Malz mit einer Prise Minze ergänzt und von subtilen Eichennoten mit zartem Torfrauch perfekt umspielt wird.
Small Batch - Peated - Hungarian oak
Small Batch - Unpeated - ex PX and ex Bourbon


unfortunately already sold out

Die milden sowie rauchigen Abfüllungen der neuen St. Kilian Small Batch Serie zeichnen sich durch die Vermählung weniger, ausgewählter Fässer aus, die sich bei regelmäßigen Verkostungen als besonders intensiv und aromatisch erwiesen haben. Den Anfang machte ein milder Single Malt Whisky, dessen Grundlage ein Pedro Ximénez Sherry Butt bildete. Infolge einer Leckage wurde der ein Jahr gereifte Spirit auf drei ex Bourbon Fässer verschiedener Größen aufgeteilt und reifte für weitere vier Jahre. Dies stellt eines der seltenen Exemplare einer “Double Maturation” bei St. Kilian dar.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 5 Jahre alt, Double Maturation
  • Gereift in einem Pedro Ximénez Sherry Butt und anschließend in drei Bourbon Fässer verschiedener Größen (#2339, #2350, #2681)
  • Destilliert am 20.09.2017 und abgefüllt am 09.02.2024
  • 615 Flaschen á 0,5 Liter
  • Bottled at 52.4% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Eine Süße saftiger Aprikosen, Toffee und cremiger Vanille, die harmonisch mit dezent wärmenden Nuancen von Sherry, Sultaninen sowie würziger Eiche verschmilzt und durch feine Schokoladennoten abgerundet wird.


unfortunately already sold out

All fans of the distillery were able to actively participate in the last online whisky tasting of the year on December 28, 2023. In the run-up to the event, they chose their favorite from three subtly smoky single malt whiskies that were aged for seven years for the first time on 18 January 2024. A whisky matured in a 250-liter ex Pedro Ximénez Sherry Hogshead received the most votes. Bottled in mid-January 2024, this single cask bottling is our oldest single malt whisky to date. It impresses with a wonderful balance of sherry aromas, gentle peat smoke and grilled apricots, peaches and some raisins, accompanied by a delicate oak spice with fine walnut notes, sweet forest honey and a light rancio note. A great pleasure!

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt with 2.5% Scottish peat-smoked malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured for 7 years in a 250 liter ex Pedro Ximénez Sherry Hogshead (#667)
  • Distilled on 18.01.2017 and bottled on 22.01.2024
  • 370 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 57.7% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A full-bodied, powerful and intense single malt with a wonderful sherry sweetness, juicy fruit notes of peaches, plums and raisins, which harmonize perfectly with the pleasant warmth of oak spice and smoky wood notes and are rounded off by dry ash tones with slightly bitter walnuts.
Lucky No. 7 - Single Cask Peated - St. Kilian Single Malt Whisky
Bitter Aperitif Fisini - Single Cask Peated - St. Kilian Single Malt Whisky


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This smoky single cask bottling has a cask history that is as unique as it is complex. Initially, the New Make, made from Scottish peat-smoked malt, matured for around 2.5 years in a former Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey cask. The second maturation then took place in an ex Woodford Reserve Rye cask, which had previously been filled with the bitter aperitif Fisini from the Black Forest. The result after a total of six years of maturation is a multi-layered single malt whisky with a harmonious interplay of fruity berries, spicy herbal aromas and a gentle smoky note. The perfect balance between strength and sophistication.

  • Made from Scottish peat-smoked malt with 80 ppm
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 6 years old, Double Maturation
  • Matured in an ex Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey barrel (#1513) and then in an ex Woodford Reserve Rye barrel, seasoned with Fisini herbal liqueur (#5003)
  • Distilled on 18.10.2017 and bottled on 22.12.2023
  • 300 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 54.8% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A wonderful sweetness of red berries and dark cherries with creamy caramel and vanilla, which is complemented by a simultaneously warming oak spice with autumnal herbal notes and masterfully rounded off by delicate peat smoke with subtle dry ash tones.


unfortunately already sold out

For this special single cask bottling, our mild St. Kilian New Make was allowed to mature for four years in a 225-liter Hungarian oak barrel in which the premium sweet wine Tokaji Aszú was previously stored. During this time, the sweet elegance of the famous Hungarian white wine merged with the rich, spicy notes of the oak barrel to create a harmonious overall experience. Every drop of this exquisite single malt whisky ignites a magnificent firework display of exotic fruity, floral and spicy aromas.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured for 4 years in a 225 liter ex Tokaji Aszú barrique barrel (#4765)
  • Distilled on 11.12.2019 and bottled on 22.12.2023
  • 350 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 57.4% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A creamy fruit sweetness of juicy pears, apricots with peaches, which continues with honey and subtle bitter notes of Seville oranges and almonds, which are supported by a warming oak spice with a hint of dark chocolate.
Tokaji Aszú - Single Cask Unpeated - St. Kilian Single Malt Whisky
Fifty Fifty Peated and Unpeated - St. Kilian and Stork Blended Whisky


unfortunately already sold out

Together with the German STORK CLUB whiskey distillery from Schlepzig in Brandenburg, we presented two exceptional bottlings at the end of 2023: Fifty Fifty Mild and FiftyFifty Peated. In this high-proof joint project, mild and smoky St. Kilian New Make single malt spirit was combined in equal parts with mild Stork Club New Make rye spirit. Bottled in a mix of fresh American white oak, ex Tennessee whiskey and small, 50 liter ex bourbon barrels, these blended whiskies matured for five years in the respective warehouses in Schlepzig (mild version) and Rüdenau (smoky version). Two special whisk(e)y creations that embody the essence of whisky craftsmanship, tradition and quality.

  • Made from equal parts barley malt and rye malt
  • 50:50 mix of St. Kilian and STORK CLUB New Makes
  • Matured for 5 years in fresh American white oak, ex Tennessee whiskey and 50 liter ex bourbon barrels
  • 1,050 sets of 2x 0.7 liter bottles
  • Bottled at 50.0% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A creamy combination of vanilla, caramel and cereals with the fruity notes of ripe apples and juicy apricots, which is slowly replaced by the incoming warmth of black pepper and spicy oak and refined with dry dark chocolate (mild version)
  • A full-bodied combination of creamy fruit notes with dark caramel and spicy cloves, accompanied by warming peat smoke and oak spice, complemented by dry dark chocolate and skillfully refined with a pinch of black pepper (smoky version).


unfortunately already sold out

On behalf of Paloma Productions Media und Marketing GmbH, the exclusive licensee of Terence Hill, we created this single malt whisky of the same name in honour of the 50th anniversary of the German premiere of the legendary western "My Name Is Nobody". It pays tribute to the classic film, which was released in German cinemas on December 13, 1973 and thrilled millions of viewers with the wonderful situation comedy of its main character. The exclusive, non-smoky special edition matured in former bourbon barrels of various sizes. It captivates with a beguiling fruit potpourri of yellow fruits, accompanied by sweet vanilla with creamy caramel tones and perfectly rounded off with gently spicy, comfortingly warming oak notes.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured for over 3 years in ex-bourbon barrels
  • 1,000 bottles á 0.7 liter
  • Bottled at 50.0% vol.
  • With label in iconic western movie look
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A fruity sweetness of yellow apples, delicious apricots and ripe pears, which is wonderfully balanced by the simultaneous warmth of spicy oak and a pinch of white pepper, while creamy vanilla and delicate caramel round off the taste experience.
Special bottling "My Name Is Nobody"
Special bottling Winter Edition 2023 - Merry Christmas


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Just in time for the Christmas season, we presented our "Merry Christmas" winter edition at the InterWhisky international trade fair in the stylish ambience of the Gesellschaftshaus Palmengarten in Frankfurt am Main at the end of November 2023. The limited edition single cask bottling was given its unique character by barley malt, which was gently smoked over a beechwood fire. The smoky distillate then matured for six years in a 225-liter French oak barrel, in which Danish cherry wine was previously stored for at least 30 months. The result is a gently smoky, multi-layered single malt whisky with a juicy fruit sweetness of red cherries that harmonizes perfectly with the dark chocolate notes and captures the magic of Christmas in a bottle with remarkable depth.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt, gently smoked over a beechwood fire
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 225 liter ex cherry wine barrel (#1517)
  • Distilled on 11.10.2017 and bottled on 14.11.2023
  • 492 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 51.6% vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A juicy, fruity blend of red cherries and ripe peaches, accompanied by creamy vanilla and dark chocolate and perfectly balanced by warming oak notes with Christmas spices and a hint of tannins.


unfortunately already sold out

From November 10 to 12, 2023, the VI Celtic Castle Festival at Schloss Thurnau celebrated the culture and tradition of the Celtic world. In addition to captivating musical performances and the finest culinary delights, high-quality whiskies provided the perfect setting for a top-class event. St. Kilian Master Blender Mario Rudolf personally presented the latest single malt whisky creation, which combines the flavors of Scotland and the craftsmanship of Franconia. Made from Scottish peated smoked malt, the Celtic Castle Edition matured for almost four years in a single 310-liter ex Ripasso red wine cask. This special cask was sourced from the renowned Lenotti winery in Bardolino on Lake Garda in Italy. The single malt whisky promises a harmonious and powerful taste experience with a creamy, sweet blend of fruit and vanilla married with warming oak spice and sweet peat smoke.

  • Made from Scottish peat-smoked malt with 80 ppm
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 27.11.2019 and bottled on 05.10.2023
  • Matured for almost 4 years in a 310 liter ex Ripasso red wine barrel from Cantine Lenotti (#4637)
  • 600 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled at 60.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A fruity sweetness of red grapes, juicy strawberries and ripe apricots with creamy vanilla, perfectly balanced by a simultaneously warming oak spice with black pepper and gently enveloped by sweetish, ashy smoke.
Special bottling - Celtic Castle Edition 2023 - Single Malt Whisky
Whisky Solery by St. Kilian


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The idea of adapting the sophisticated and complex Solera system, which stands for maturity, age and consistent quality in sherry and brandy, to whisky matured with our master distillers Mario Rudolf and Zoltán Fódi back in 2019. The first bottling of our new "Whisky Solera by St. Kilian" series went through the three stages of the St. Kilian Solera system, in which the final maturation stage consists exclusively of Pedro Ximénez sherry casks. The first series of casks consists of a mixture of 20-year-old Amontillado and 30-year-old Fino Sherry casks, while the second series consists of the finest Oloroso Sherry casks topped up with smoky whisky matured in ex-bourbon casks. The perfect combination of tradition and innovation makes this limited special bottling a very special pleasure experience.

  • Made from 100% Scottish peat-smoked malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Whisky Solera System, made up of Pedro Ximénez (Solera), Amontillado and Fino (Criadera 1) and Oloroso Sherry casks (Criadera 2)
  • Launch of the Whisky Solera Peated in October 2020
  • 620 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled with 56.8 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • The intense sweetness of sherry, prunes, raisins and brown sugar harmonizes perfectly with the simultaneously warming blend of oak spice, herbs, dry ash tones and green walnuts, which is surrounded by finely spicy peat smoke.


unfortunately already sold out

A special bottling of a very special kind: an earth cask matured single malt whisky in cooperation with the German heavy metal band Grave Digger. After initially maturing for two years in fresh Palatinate oak casks in the Bunker City warehouses, the smoky whisky was allowed to spend the second half of its time maturing underground in the middle of the majestic Odenwald. Small, 30-liter Oloroso sherry, Amarone red wine, Ruby port and American white oak barrels were used. The result is a mystical essence of dark smoke, incomparable depth and a complex, subtly earthy and spicy taste.

  • Made from Heavily Peated barley malt with 80 ppm (determined by HPLC method) from Scotland
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled in 2019, bottled in 2023
  • 4 years old
  • 460 bottles á 0.7 liter
  • Metal bottle with great design and artistic label
  • Bottled with 49.4 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • The sweet taste explosion of crisp apples, red grapes and vanilla cream with a simultaneously warming mélange of spicy oak, fine ash, subtle earthy tones and malty herbal sweets is coated in delicate peat smoke.
Grave Digger - Exhumation - Earth Cask Maturation - Single Malt Whisky
Handfilled mild - ex cider - single malt whisky


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Cider meets St. Kilian Spirit! The mild four-year-old single malt whisky matured in a former Jack Daniel's cask, which was previously filled with cider from the Kuhn winery for 462 days. Inspired by the local cider culture, the limited bottling with the beguiling aroma and intense fruity sweetness of ripe apples guarantees a refreshingly tangy enjoyment experience.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 13.03.2019, bottled on 04.10.2023
  • 310 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled with 57.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Intense fruity sweetness of ripe apples and pears, garnished with creamy vanilla and accompanied by a warming spiciness with a finely dosed pinch of pepper and delicate dry oak notes.


unfortunately already sold out

This smoky bottling is the result of the successful collaboration with St. Kilian Honorary Brand Ambassador Gavin Ryan Thomson. Together with Master Blender Mario Rudolf, he selected two former 190 liter ex-bourbon casks from the Islay distillery Laphroaig. Special casks that had previously been used for the "Spirit of St. Kilian Batch 4" bottling. After the second filling with smoky New Make, the distillate was allowed to mature for five years in the warehouses in the Odenwald.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 19.06.2018, bottled on 04.10.2023
  • 620 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled with 61.6 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Superficial peat smoke leaves plenty of room for creamy vanilla, fruity apricot and tangy citrus notes, which are rounded off with fine toffee and a hint of spicy oak.
Ambassadors Choice - ex Laphroaig - Single Malt Whisky
Special bottling Don Matteo Single Malt Whisky


unfortunately already sold out

On behalf of Paloma Productions Media und Marketing GmbH, the exclusive licensee of Terence Hill, we created a single malt whisky that pays tribute to the charismatic character of Don Matteo. That sharp-witted and humorous priest, known from the popular Italian TV series, who solves even the trickiest criminal cases in picturesque Gubbio in the heart of Italy and experiences countless adventures in the process. This mild special edition matured in a former 310-liter Ripasso red wine barrel from the renowned Italian winery Lenotti from Bardolino on Lake Garda and impresses with its delicious aroma of red grapes, in perfect balance with spicy, warming elements.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt, mild recipe
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured for 3 years in an ex 310 liter Ripasso red wine barrel (#4639)
  • Distilled on 04.12.2019, bottled in 2023
  • 547 bottles á 0.7 liter
  • Bottled at 48 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Wonderfully fruity and sweet with an abundance of juicy red grapes, ripe peaches and creamy vanilla, which combine with the simultaneous onset of warmth and a subtle peppery spiciness to create a perfectly balanced blend, framed by fine oak spice.


unfortunately already sold out

With this special bottling, we are celebrating Franconia's rich distillery culture. To realize this very special, purely Franconian joint production, the experienced master distillers from St. Kilian Distillers and Elch-Whisky each selected an exclusive single cask. Our single malt whisky matured for four years in a former barrique barrel from the Fürst winery in Bürgstadt, which was first filled with Pinot Noir red wine and then with cherry brandy for 20 years. Georg Kugler, founder and master distiller of Elch-Whisky, selected an eight-year-old peated single malt whisky, which was allowed to mature in a former 190 liter bourbon Tennessee whiskey barrel from Jack Daniel's. A joint Franconian production that underpins our friendly relationship.

  • Vatted or blended malt
  • Made from St. Kilian single malt and elk whisky single malt "Torf vom Dorf"
  • Bottled 2023
  • 920 0.5 liter bottles (redesigned 0.5 liter bottle)
  • Bottled with 50 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Harmonious balance of creamy vanilla, beguiling fruit and gentle smoke accompanied by the finest cherry notes, fine chocolate and spicy elements.
Special bottling Frankenblend
Bud Spencer - A cook for all occasions - Single Malt Whisky


unfortunately already sold out

After 13 years, the eagerly awaited film series "A Chef for All Seasons" finally came to Germany. On August 24, 2023, the pilot of Bud Spencer's last TV series celebrated its premiere at the Filmnächte am Elbufer in Dresden. We accompanied this event, long awaited by many Bud Spencer fans, with a very limited special bottling. Matured in the finest Oloroso sherry casks from Andalusia, we created a heroic single malt whisky of the highest quality that reflects the strength, determination and warmth of our legend.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt, mild recipe
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured in Oloroso sherry casks
  • Bottled 2023
  • 600 bottles á 0.7 liter
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Characteristic sherry notes with aromas of ripe fruit and spicy oak - the perfect balance of sweetness and fruitiness with spicy, warming nuances creates a remarkable depth and complexity.


available here

Our Kiliani bottling, which is always named after important personalities from the life of St. Kilian, is this time dedicated to Würzburg's first bishop, BURKARD. According to tradition, Würzburg's patron saint BURKARD had the bones of St. Kilian transferred to St. Mary's Church and elevated the Irish monk Kilian and his companions Kolonat and Totnan to diocesan saints on July 8, 752. The 2023 Kiliani bottling is our most Franconian single malt whisky to date. The inspiration for this was provided by hand-picked Pinot Noir barrels made from Franconian oak, in which the distillate - made from 100% pure organic barley malt from our region - was allowed to mature for three years. Whisky could not be more local and regional.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from local organic barley from Reichartshausen in the Bavarian Odenwald
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured for 3 years in regional Pinot Noir barrels made from Spessart oak
  • Bottled 2023
  • 1,648 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A fruity bouquet of ripe peaches and juicy apricots, rounded off with sweet vanilla and red grapes and refined with warming spices, subtle oak notes and fine tannins.
The third Kiliani edition Burkard
Special bottling for the day of the German whiskey


unfortunately already sold out

June 24, 2023 not only marked the date of the 1st St. Kilian Whisky Festival, but also - as always on the last Saturday in June - the Day of German Whisky. We created a mild special bottling especially for this occasion. This single malt whisky matured for almost five years in fresh Hungarian oak casks. These 95-liter barrels were mildly toasted on the inside and milled to increase the surface area of the wood. This increased the ratio of wood surface area to spirit volume and allowed the whisky to mature more quickly. The result speaks for itself: a single malt whisky with a long presence of aromatic wood tones, subtle oriental spices, fruity prunes, sweet raisins and a hint of cinnamon.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt, mild recipe
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 01.08.2018, bottled on 19.06.2023
  • 970 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled with 53.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Tantalizing fruit sweetness of juicy plums, ripe cherries and creamy raisins, complemented by a hint of brown sugar with a pinch of cinnamon and perfectly surrounded by subtly warming oak notes.


unfortunately already sold out

On Saturday, June 24, 2023, St. Kilian Distillers hosted the first Whisky Festival. Highlights included the numerous master classes, in which participants were able to deepen their knowledge and passion for whisky. The Warehouse Tastings offered visitors the unique opportunity to taste rare and exclusive whiskies straight from the cask and whisky seminars provided a scientific insight into the fascinating world of aromas in the production of single malt whisky. On the festival day, the numerous visitors were able to purchase a smoky single malt festival edition aged in small bourbon casks, which had a fascinating combination of peat smoke, vanilla, subtle BBQ notes, refined with ripe apricots, yellow pears, crisp malt and ashy aromas.

  • Made from 100% Scottish peat-smoked malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Matured in 55 liter ex bourbon barrels from Garrison Brothers
  • Distilled on 16.05.2018, bottled on 19.06.2023
  • 2,400 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled with 58.4 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Juicy fruit sweetness of yellow pears and ripe apricots with creamy vanilla, combined with discreetly warming oak spice, a nuance of meadow herbs and a hint of dark chocolate, gently enveloped by mild peat smoke
Special bottling whisky festival smoky
Special filling Whisky Festival mild


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On Saturday, June 24, 2023, St. Kilian Distillers hosted the first Whisky Festival. Whisky fans from all over Germany and beyond were able to go on a discovery tour through our production building at the Rüdenau site and through various storage bunkers in Bunker City. The tastings and tours were accompanied by musical performances by the Clan Pipers from Frankfurt, Scottish folk musician Robin Laing and solo artist Dom Mayer. On the day of the festival, a mild single malt festival edition matured in Oloroso sherry casks with its beguiling aroma of dark fruits, ripe apricots and dates as well as fine sherry scored points with the numerous visitors.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt, mild recipe
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Two 550 liter ex Oloroso sherry casks (#5421, #5422)
  • Distilled on 03.06.2020, bottled on 19.06.2023
  • 1,980 0.5 liter bottles
  • Bottled with 59.1 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Sweetness of creamy fruit jam, vanilla, sherry and brown sugar, accompanied by warming alcohol with subtle oak spice, refined with toffee, dark chocolate, a hint of raisins and a pinch of herbs


unfortunately already sold out

St. Kilian Distillers sets an example for inclusion and support for people with visual impairments. On June 20, 2023, we presented a very special edition at the presentation of the German Hearing Film Award by the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Berlin: A single malt whisky with a label in Braille. This limited special edition matured in a former sherry cask and symbolizes the appreciation and recognition of diversity in our society with a label that is unique in Germany. To support this great and important work, we donated € 10.00 per bottle to the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Ex Pedro Ximénez sherry casks
  • Distilled in 2018, bottled in 2023
  • 250 bottles á 0.7 liter
  • Bottled with 50 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • The sweet melange of creamy fruit aromas, combined with raisins and dry sherry, harmonizes perfectly with warming oak spice, dark chocolate and dry tannins with a hint of herbs
Special Filling German Audio Film Award
Exceptional MIZUNARA, 0.5l


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An exclusive whisky rarity and also the start of the new St. Kilian Exceptional Range, which is reserved for only our most exclusive single malt whiskies. According to our research, this is the first non-Japanese single malt whisky to be matured in a single, fresh, unoaked Mizunara oak cask. Mizunara oak, which is common in various regions of Japan, is one of the rarest and most expensive woods used for maturing whisky. The wood for this 225-liter, mildly toasted single cask is around 250 years old and comes from the forests of the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. The result of this three-year full maturation is a unique taste of ripe, exotic fruits, paired with warming oak notes, oriental spices and fragrant sandalwood aromas.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 225 liter Mizunara Virgin Oak barrel (#3866)
  • Distilled in 2019, bottled in 2023
  • 300 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled with 55.1 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Fruity sweetness of ripe pears, apples and apricots, accompanied by a warming oak spice, some pepper and sandalwood notes and rounded off with oriental spices and the finest toffee


unfortunately already sold out

Following the successful launch of the collaboration with the legendary British band Judas Priest, "Ram it down" is another heavy metal bottling. Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm, which comes directly from the Scottish Highlands and embodies heavy metal in its purest form, was used for this heavily smoky single malt whisky, which is dedicated to the eleventh studio album "Ram it down". The artful marriage of three 190-liter ex-bourbon barrels and a fresh American white oak barrel with two unusual 38-liter ex-peated bourbon barrels results in a true taste explosion of spicy peat smoke, sweet fruit melange and creamy vanilla.

  • Made from Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm from Scotland.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled in 2017 and 2019, bottled in 2023
  • Maturation in three 190 liter ex Bourbon barrels, one American Virgin Oak barrel and two 38 liter ex Peated Bourbon barrels
  • 1.300 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled at 49% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Intense peat smoke, accompanied by creamy vanilla, juicy pears and ripe apricots, refined with warming oak spice, dark toffee and ashy smoke aromas
Judas Priest - British Steel, 0.7l
Special bottling Distillery Only Holy Apple

Distillery Only "ex HOLY APPLE"

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New Make Spirit from St. Kilian meets apple brandy from northern Germany. This bottling matured for four years in 110-liter oak barrels from the Dollerup distillery in northern Germany near the Danish border. There, apples - harvested from orchards in northern Germany - are first used to make cider, which is then distilled into apple brandy and stored in oak barrels. This barrel-aged apple brandy bears the fitting name Holy Apple, which we have adopted for our Distillery Only bottling.

  • Mild recipe, made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 10.10.2018, bottled on 31.01.2023
  • Matured for 4 years in two 100 liter ex apple brandy oak barrels (#3119, #3121)
  • 598 bottles á 0.5 liter
  • Bottled with 47.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Elegant and pleasantly sweet with intense apple notes, combined with creamy vanilla and accompanied by a warming oak spice with a finely dosed pinch of pepper - voluminous, wonderfully mature and complex

Special Bottling "BUCHE MEETS CEDAR

unfortunately already sold out

Matured in two different, very special types of barrels - namely beech and cedar - this exceptional and gently smoky single malt whiskey was bottled at a cask strength of 57.7% by volume. The special feature of the barrels used is that they have an outer support layer of oak, so that the barrel retains the maturing liquid and remains tight. This is because both beech and cedar are considered very porous wood. This unique special edition was presented at the great St. Kilian Online Whisky Tasting on December 29, 2022 and was very well received by the numerous participants.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 200 liters each beech and cedar barrels (#1571-#1574)
  • Distilled 06.12.2017
  • Bottled 29.11.2022
  • 680 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled with 57.7 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • On the nose, an ethereal scent of cedar and pine needles, combined with earthy notes, a subtle hint of peat smoke as well as some grated lemon peel. Sweet and creamy on the palate with vanilla and fine wood notes, combined with a warming melange of spicy cedar, fresh pine needles and a squeeze of lemon
Special filling beech meets cedar
Special discount Winter Edition - Merry Christmas

Winter Edition "MERRY CHRISTMAS"

unfortunately already sold out

Just in time for the Christmas season, we presented our Winter Edition "Merry Christmas" at the end of November 2022 at the international InterWhisky trade fair in Frankfurt am Main. For this, both our milder and heavily peated (54 ppm) New Make Spirit were allowed to mature in a total of three former herbal liqueur casks. An absolute novelty at St. Kilian. After five years, we were completely overwhelmed by the result, and the wintry spice aromas of this single malt whisky literally urged us to create this Christmas Edition. And we weren't the only ones who liked it.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 190 liter and 50 liter ex herbal liqueur barrels (#347, #1550, #1551)
  • Distilled on 13.07.2017 and on 02.11.2017
  • Bottled 02.12.2022
  • 850 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled with 53.5 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A full-bodied aroma explosion of sweet plum compote with wintry spices, garnished with fine herbs as well as a pinch of cinnamon and wrapped in warming peat smoke.

"Celtic Castle" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

In mid-November 2022, the 5th Celtic Castle Festival took place at Thurnau Castle in Upper Franconia. The bottling, specially selected for the festival by our Honorary Brand Ambassador, Udo Sonntag, was made from a carefully blended mixture of three different malts. In addition to Munich malt and Caramünch®, a heavily peated barley malt with 54 ppm from the Scottish Highlands was used. After more than four years in an ex Madeira sweet wine cask, the single malt presents itself with a voluminous sweetness of grape must, baked apple and grilled peaches, garnished with a fine oak spice and harmoniously integrated, warming smoke. Whiskey greats such as Maggie Miller, Robin Laing and the living whiskey legend Jim McEwan were heavily enthusiastic about it in Thurnau!

  • Smoky recipe -> Made from 54 ppm Scottish peat smoked malt, among others.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 30.05.2018 and bottled on 09.11.2022
  • Aged over 4 years in a 300 liter ex Madeira sweet wine barrel (#2442)
  • 555 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled at 62.4 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • An aromatic firework of sweet grape notes, grilled peaches and delicious baked apple aromas, underpinned with fine spicy oak and wrapped in warming, mild peat smoke with subtle dry ash notes in the finish.
Special filling Celtic Castle
Special Collection Ambassadors Choice Udo Sonntag and Mario Rudolf

"Ambassador's Choice with Mario Rudolf and Udo Sonntag"

unfortunately already sold out

Since fall 2022, Udo Sonntag has been supporting us as St. Kilian Honorary Brand Ambassador. The whisky enthusiast from Upper Franconia is known as the host of numerous whisky tastings and as co-author of the biography of whisky legend Jim McEwan - A Journeyman's Journey. As a self-confessed red wine fan, Udo, together with Master Blender Mario Rudolf, selected two casks that had previously been filled with red wine. But not with just any red wine, but with the famous, full-bodied Amarone from Italy. After more than three years of aging in these barrels, the Ambassador's Choice Edition No. 6 convinces with a potpourri of red berries, in perfect balance with warming oak spice and fine tannins.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled in 2018/2019, bottled on 05.09.2022
  • Aged over 3 years in two 225 liter ex Amarone red wine barrels (#2671, #3456)
  • 1.300 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled with 54.2 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Beguiling aroma of ripe strawberries, raspberries and juicy red peaches, garnished on sweet vanilla cream and accompanied by subtle dry tannins, fine oak spice and subtle cocoa notes.


unfortunately already sold out

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of St. Kilian Distillers, the premiere for a very special Anniversary Edition took place on October 15, 2022 at the great Online Whisky Tasting. This single malt spirit was made from Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm and matured in two ex rye whiskey barrels of the American Old Watermill Distillery. The former rye barrels bring out the smoke as well as the distillery character of St. Kilian equally outstanding. All 760 bottles were already sold out within minutes during the online tasting.

  • Made from Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm from Scotland.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 06.12.2017 and bottled on 15.09.2022
  • Aged over 4 years in two 190 liter ex rye barrels from Old Watermill Distillery (#1630, #1631)
  • 760 bottles á 0,5 litre
  • Bottled with 57.7 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Intense sweetness of vanilla cream and apricot jam marry with juicy barley malt and present peat smoke, piquantly garnished with white pepper and spicy oak.
Special bottling 10 Years St. Kilian Anniversary
Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution


unfortunately already sold out

Ever since his youth, the founder and owner of St. Kilian Distillers, Andreas Thümmler, has been a fan of the British heavy metal band Judas Priest. It was therefore immediately clear that there had to be a St. Kilian Heavy Metal Edition to mark the 50th anniversary of Judas Priest. For this strictly limited special bottling, Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm was used, which comes directly from the Scottish Highlands and embodies heavy metal in its purest form. This four-year-old single malt, which received a unique full maturation in French ex-Pineau des Charentes casks, offers a true flavor explosion of peat smoke, fruit and spice.

  • Made from Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm from Scotland.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled 2018, bottled 2022
  • Aged 4 years in 300 liter ex Pineau des Charentes barrels from France
  • 950 bottles á 0,7 liter
  • Metal bottle with great design and artistic label
  • Bottled at 49% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Intense warming peat smoke in harmony with sweet fruit notes of yellow plums and red grape jelly, accompanied by spicy oak with white pepper and fine marzipan.

"Ambassador's Choice with Mario Rudolf and Olli Fink"

unfortunately already sold out

Olli Fink has been working as a brand ambassador for St. Kilian Distillers since January 2019. The native of Schleswig-Holstein presents our whiskies and liqueurs mainly in the northern part of Germany and can also be found there at trade fairs. For this fifth Ambassador's Choice Edition, the brand ambassador, together with Master Blender Mario Rudolf, selected two casks of matured St. Kilian Single Malt, which had previously been topped with rum from the flower island of Madeira. The result is a wonderfully sweet bottling with an abundance of tropical fruit.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled on 27.09.2017 and bottled on 16.08.2022
  • Aged almost 5 years in two 300 liter ex Madeira rum barrels (#1354, #1355)
  • 1.380 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled with 50.1% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Tropical aromas of pineapple, peach and juicy honeydew melon, perfectly surrounded by a creamy sweetness of honey, vanilla and soft toffee and rounded off with subtle dry oak notes.
Special edition Ambassadors Choice Olli Fink and Mario Rudolf
Special bottling Distillery Only Chateau Margaux

Distillery Only "Ex CHÂTEAU MARGAUX"

unfortunately already sold out

When German New Make Spirit from St. Kilian meets French wine casks from the renowned Château Margaux in Bordeaux, the result can only be outstanding. For almost four years, our single malt whisky was allowed to mature in the noble casks of the Premier Grand Cru winery on the famous Médoc peninsula. In the perfect Odenwald climate of our Bunker City, it developed its characteristic fruit aromas and impressive depth that distinguish it and delight the most discerning palate.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled in 2018 and bottled in July 2022
  • Aged almost 4 years in ex Chateau Margaux Bordeaux red wine barrels
  • 450 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Lush fruit notes of red grape jelly with raspberries meet juicy peaches with creamy honey and sweet vanilla, accompanied by a warming oak spice with cocoa notes and fine tannins.

“GOSBERT” – Kiliani Edition 2022

unfortunately already sold out

Kiliani is celebrated annually on July 8 and is the name day of St. Kilian, who Christianized and left a lasting mark on the Franconian region - especially around Würzburg. The second edition of the limited Kiliani bottling is dedicated to the then reigning Duke of Franconia, Gosbert. This special bottling matured for almost four years in fresh American white oak barrels previously filled with regional white wine of the Bacchus/Scheurebe variety. These give the Kiliani Edition GOSBERT a rich, natural amber color and an aroma of almost lavish fruitiness.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Aged for almost 4 years in ex Bacchus/Scheurebe wine barrels of American white oak
  • 1.200 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • A fruity potpourri of ripe apricots and peaches, underpinned by bright wine aromas and creamy vanilla and rounded off by a subtle warming oak spice with a fine tannin structure.
Special edition Kiliani Edition - Gosbert
Special copy The Blind and the Blonde

"The Blind & The Blonde - Jorgo & Marcus"

unfortunately already sold out

With this innovative special bottling, St. Kilian Distillers presented for the first time in the EU a single malt whisky with a label in Braille. This bottling, strictly limited to 2,000 bottles, was created by the two friends Jorgo Papasoglou and Marcus Zölch, the blind and the blond, together with Master Blender Mario Rudolf. The two superstars are known as Jorgo and Marcus from the documentary road movie "They Called Him Spencer". The label of the bottle, designed in Braille, is so far unique in the EU and makes this bottling particularly valuable. In addition, with every bottle of St. Kilian sold, € 5.00 is donated to the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Blending of single malt whiskies from ex bourbon, ex rum and ex Sauternes casks
  • Bottled 2022
  • 2.000 bottles á 0,7 liter
  • Bottled at 47% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Aromatic with ripe pears and juicy apricot fruit, backed by vanilla custard and warming spices, with subtle spicy honey and oily texture.

"Ambassador's Choice with Mario Rudolf and Dr. Heinz Weinberger".

unfortunately already sold out

For the fourth edition of the St. Kilian Ambassador's Choice series, Honorary Brand Ambassador Dr. Heinz Weinberger together with Master Blender Mario Rudolf selected various ex rum casks from the Caribbean. Among them were two former rum barrels from Jamaica, one from Puerto Rico and one Rhum Agricole barrel, which were blended in a ratio of 65% (Rum Jamaica), 25% (Rhum Agricole) and 10% (Rum Puerto Rico). The result is an unpeated single malt whiskey with strong rum aromas that conjures up Caribbean flair in the living room at home. Pure exoticism! A total of 800 bottles with an alcohol content of 60.6% by volume were bottled from this Ambassador's Choice No. 4 Edition.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 3 ex rum barrels (#2585, #3187, #3208) and one ex rhum barrel (#1204) from the Caribbean
  • Distilled 2017/2018, bottled 2022
  • 800 bottles á 0,5 liter
  • Bottled with 60.6 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Strong rum aromas with a beguiling scent of tropical fruits, pineapple, peach and plantain, accompanied by dark chocolate and distinct warming oak notes.
Special edition Ambassadors Choice Heinz Weinberger and Mario Rudolf
Special bottling The Early Days - St. Kilian meets Mackmyra

"THE EARLY DAYS - St. Kilian Meets Mackmyra"

unfortunately already sold out

Before the official start of production at the St. Kilian plant, double-distilled and unpeated single malt spirit from the Swedish Mackmyra distillery was distilled a second time on the St. Kilian Spirit Pot Still in August 2015 as an initial test run. The resulting triple-distilled New Make was then allowed to mature in two 190-liter Old Forrester casks and three 50-liter bourbon quarter casks from Garrison Brothers. This trial run came about thanks to an excellent collaboration with Mackmyra. This is because the two distilleries are closely linked not only through the friendship of St. Kilian founder Andreas Thümmler with the Swedish distillery team, but also through the training of master distiller Mario Rudolf at Mackmyra. A total of 760 bottles with an alcohol content of 41.4% by volume were bottled of this six-year-old single malt "Mackmyra x St. Kilian".

  • Made from mild, double distilled Mackmyra Single Malt Spirit
  • Distilled again in our original Scottish Spirit Pot Still still
  • Aged for over 6 years in 190 liter Old Forrester barrels and three 50 liter Bourbon Quarter Casks from Garrison Brothers.
  • Distilled 2015, bottled 2022
  • 760 bottles á 0,5 litre
  • Bottled with 41.4 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Sweetness of bourbon vanilla with toffee, accompanied by herbal lemonade, apricot jam and spicy oak chips.

"Grave Digger - Metal Turf Beast"

unfortunately already sold out

For more than 40 years Grave Digger has been one of the most authoritative and influential bands in the German metal scene. Their legendary Scotland trilogy "Tunes of War", "The Clans will Rise again" and "Fields of Blood" is a tribute to Scottish history. With the Heavy Metal Edition we pay tribute to the brand Grave Digger, founded in 1980. For the strictly limited "Metal Turf Beast" bottling, Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm was used, which comes directly from the Scottish Highlands and embodies Heavy Metal in its purest form. This highly limited single malt whisky was allowed to mature in small, only 30-liter ex-Port and ex-Oloroso sherry casks. The result: a potpourri of red berries, ripe plums and raisins, laced with green walnut, fine tannins and spicy oak and enveloped by dry peat smoke. The "Metal Turf Beast" was in great demand among fans and sold out completely just a few minutes after going on sale.

  • Made from Ultra Heavily Peated barley malt with 91 ppm from Scotland.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Aged over 3 years in ex Port and ex Oloroso Sherry casks
  • Intensely warming peat smoke with sweet, creamy fruit notes of red berries and plums, plus dark chocolate, some tobacco and dry spicy oak with fine ash.
  • 870 bottles á 0,7 liter
  • Metal bottle with great design and artistic label
  • Bottled at 49% vol
  • Natural color and not chill filtered
Grave Digger - Metal Turf Beast

turf peak

"Turf Peak" - Master Distillers Selection

unfortunately already sold out

Irish Master Distiller legend and builder of St. Kilian David F. Hynes has created a very special bottling together with Master Distiller of St. Kilian Mario Rudolf: TURF PEAK. This bottling matured in European and American White Oaks for nearly four years. During production, we experimented with reflux during distillation and distilled longer into the finish. Into the barrel was thus also filled with a higher alcohol content of 69% vol. This special edition is something very special and initiated as well as created by David F. Hynes.

  • Bottled with 60.2 % vol.
  • Smoky recipe
  • Matured for over 3 years in five different types of barrels
  • Intensely spicy with distinct smoke aromas that complement vanilla and caramel notes.
  • Double distilled in our genuine Scottish pot stills
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Approx. 580 bottles á 0.5 litres

“Gailana” – Kiliani Edition 2021

unfortunately already sold out

In honor of the Franconian apostle Kilian, the namesake of our distillery, we present the first edition of the limited Kiliani bottling, which is dedicated to GAILANA, the wife of the then Franconian Duke Gosbert. The limited special bottling matured over four years in former Pinot Noir barrels of a renowned Franconian winery and also has a special feature in the distillation method: Through three different settings of the reflux condenser achieved multiple distillation. On the nose, GAILANA evokes a beguiling rendezvous of fruity aromas of wine gum, strawberry and raspberry. Red gooseberry meets creamy vanilla, light floral notes and a hint of fresh mint and oak spice.

  • Mild recipe -> Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Aged over 4 years in ex Pinot Noir barrels
  • A fruity sweetness of strawberry, raspberry and red wine cream, followed by spicy aromatic oak and a hint of pepper and dry cocoa.
  • Approx. 1700 bottles á 0.5 litres
  • Bottled at 46% vol
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
Gailana - Kiliani Edition
Gavin Ryan Thomson - Ambassadors Choice

"Ambassadors Choice with Mario Rudolf and Gavin Ryan Thomson."

unfortunately already sold out

Together with our Honorary Brand Ambassador Gavin Ryan Thomson, Master Distiller Mario Rudolf has created a special bottling: Our mild recipe meets ex Bunnahabhain Staoisha barrels.

  • Mild recipe -> special malt blend Pilsner malt + small part CaraAroma malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 4 ex Bunnahabain Staoisha Casks 190l ASB peated
  • Filled on 13.07.2016
  • Approx. 1200 bottles á 0.5 litres
  • Bottled at cask strength with 63.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered

St. Kilian Barrel No. 1 "First Cut

unfortunately already sold out

Barrel No. 1 stands for the hour of birth and at the same time for the beginning of the successful history of St. Kilian. Andreas Thümmler, the owner and managing director of the distillery was clear, barrel No. 1 must be something very special. A barrel was to be created that would still stand out among thousands of barrels decades later. To this end, the cooperage Wilhelm Eder in Bad Dürkheim was commissioned to produce a barrel that would be both distinctive and unique thanks to the triad of high-quality wood, the largest possible (and permitted) barrel capacity, and perfect workmanship. In accordance with these specifications and with a great deal of craftsmanship, the traditional Palatinate barrel makers made the 700-liter Barrel No. 1 from the wood of a Johanniskreuz oak tree.

  • Made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Non-smoking recipe
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Barrel #1 is made of Palatine Johanniskreuz oak, first laying
  • Distilled on 17.03.2016 (St. Patricks Day)
  • 760 bottles á 0,5 litre
  • Bottled with 58.7 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Cask No. 1 is further matured as an experiment in the solera process
Barrel No. 1
Ambassadors Choice

"Ambassadors Choice with Thorsten Manus and Pat Hock".

unfortunately already sold out

Our Whisky Ambassadores Thorsten Manus and Pat Hock have spent a weekend roaming the St. Kilian Bunker City barrel warehouses and have selected some delicacies. Strictly limited to 431 bottles, the collector's edition was released at cask strength at 55.3% vol. and 54 ppm peat content. It was matured in 55L quarter casks from Garrison Brothers, which was voted the best whiskey distillery in the US in 2017. The rare casks from Texas occupies St. Kilian already since the launch in 2016, which is quite unique.

  • Mild recipe -> special malt blend Pilsner malt + small part CaraAroma malt
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • 4 pieces ex Bourbon Quarter Casks 55l from Garrison Brothers
  • Filled on 23.11.2016
  • 431 bottles á 0,5 litre
  • Bottled at cask strength with 55.3 % vol.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered

Distillery Only "Ex Sherry" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

In times of lockdown, we especially miss the sun of Andalusia. From Jerez, the capital of sherry, our Master Distiller Mario Rudolf has selected a very special Oloroso Butt and is now releasing another year-end Distillery Online Edition for Christmas & New Year's Eve 2020, which should not be missed! Sunny, delicious and seductive as always.

  • Single Malt Whisky Made in Germany, made from 100% pure Pilsner malt.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Distilled in 2017 and bottled in December 2020
  • Matured for 3.5 years in ex-Sherry-Oloroso Butt, 500 liters from Jerez
  • Taste: intense attack, caramel and dried fruit, fine sweetness, pleasantly integrated alcohol.
  • Finish: long and full-bodied, spicy and slightly sweet.
  • Mild recipe, unpeated
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Alcohol content 51.7 % vol.
  • Limited to 1,040 bottles
Turf Head

Distillery Only "Turf Head" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

We are dealing here with the "counterpart" to our Turftail from January 2020. Despite its 54 ppm mashbill of peated barley, one discovers here a lighter, floral single malt whiskey. The heart, the so-called "heart" was divided into a head (head) and a tail (tail ) and in contrast to the heavier, oily and phenolic notes of the tail, we have here in the first part of the bottling lighter and finer flavors.

  • Single Malt Whisky - Made in Germany, made from 100% pure Scottish peated malt.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Sweet notes followed by dominant peat smoke and light aromas of citrus fruits
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Special edition limited to only 420 bottles
  • Bottled with 52.5 % vol.

Distillery Only "Ex Barolo" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

What a taste experience when mild, fruity New Make is allowed to mature in a noble barrique barrel for over three years! Barolo and Amarone are royal red wines from beautiful Italy, which make our single malts absolute specialties. This bottling was stored in a 225 l ex Barolo barrel made of French oak which was a sister barrel of the "St. Kilian Single Cask Batch 2018" and has now matured into a perfect whiskey.

  • Single Malt Whisky - Made in Germany, made from 100% pure barley malt.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • strong attack, intense herbal and spicy with fine wine aromas, bittersweet and chocolate.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Special edition limited to only 490 bottles
  • Bottled with 52.9 % vol.

Distillery Only "Ex Cider" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

This Distillery Online Edition has a very private background of Mario Rudolf, our Master Distiller. When he presses his cider, of course, it does not come in a normal container, but is stored in an ex Jack Daniels c ask (and exactly for 183 days, because it is a vintage 1983 ;-). Then this barrel was filled with New Make and matured almost 4 years to the single malt whiskey. One could speak here of a "seasoning", in any case, the regional apple was "refined" here.

  • Single Malt Whisky - Made in Germany, made from 100% pure barley malt.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills
  • Aromas of forest honey with a slight acidity, followed by a tart note and fine apple flavors - tangy and fresh.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Special edition limited to only 480 bottles
  • Bottled with 47.9 % vol.

Distillery Only "Ex Chardonnay" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

This edition had a very strong connection to our region. Made in a mild recipe, the single malt then matured for over 3 years in an ex-Chardonnay barrel from one of the best wineries in Germany. This particular barrel has a capacity of 228 liters and was made of French oak of Burgundy construction. Because the staves are "toasted" on the inside for bending during barrel production, a slight vanilla aroma is created in the wine, which you can now also taste in our single malt whisky.
More information about the Fürst Winery from Bürgstadt am Main:

  • Single Malt Whisky Single Cask "Made in Germany", made from 100% pure barley malt
  • Craft distilled in our genuine Scottish pot stills
  • Ripe apricot and delicately spicy grape flavour - balanced with tart fruits and a hint of vanilla.
  • Distilled in October 2016
  • Golden yellow, natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Alcohol content 52.9 % vol.
  • Limited to 495 bottles
ex Eisbock

Distillery Only "Ex Eisbock" Edition

unfortunately already sold out

Whisky matured in award-winning brewery FAUST Eisbock barrels from Miltenberg am Main.
This "Eisbock Edition" is also something very special and new for St. Kilian. We have used 100% unpeated Pilsner malt for this - in other words, an "unpeated" recipe. Nevertheless, this single malt has a light and pleasant smokiness. This arose during the changeover from the "peated season" to the "unpeated season" and gives the distillate its subtle smoky notes, making it a complex taste experience.
An absolute highlight of this whisky, however, are the 350-liter French oak casks: before the Faust brewery filled them with its award-winning Eisbock, noble Cognac from the house of Remy Martin was stored in them. The barrel occupancy was therefore first cognac, then the award-winning Eisbock beer and then more than 3 years was allowed to spend our New Make until its full maturation in it.

With its Eisbock, Brauhaus Faust from Miltenberg am Main became world champion in this category and won numerous awards. The most recent award is from Meiningers Craft Beer Award - "Platinum" for the Eisbock and at the same time best international "strong beer" of the entire competition.

  • Single Malt Whisky Made in Germany, made from 100% pure Pilsner malt.
  • Double distilled in our original Scottish pot stills Distilled in 2017 and bottled in April 2020.
  • Aged for 3 years in ex-icebock oak barrels, 350 liters
  • Fine honey notes meet subtle smoke aromas and are rounded off by a delicate vanilla note.
  • Natural colour and not chill-filtered
  • Alcohol content 48.5% vol.
  • Limited to 1,500 bottles

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